Project Monday

I took a wee break from the desktop on Friday to go cook dinner and when I came back, no screen.   All of the usual rebooting techniques to no avail. I have seen this before, three times to be exact....burned up motherboard.  Those times covered by extended warranty, this one not.  Lost all my fave photos.  Oy.
Thankfully I have a laptop, so my Monday project has been getting everything on this computer to run my business and my household.  Did you know it can take hours?

I'm tired of sitting, need to take a load off my toosh!




  1. Sorry to hear about the demise of such an important part of the workday. I came back from vacation to an office computer on the blink :-\

    At any rate, hope things get up and running soon and that the trip *up north* goes smoothly.

    See ya in August?

  2. It is truly amazing how technology has everything to do if we can function fully!

    Wishing you good luck with getting things back up and going smoothly!!!

  3. I only wish that technology didn't effect me as much as it does, but sadly, boy does it. My spacer bar went wonky today & I was needing resuscitation. Thank goodness the hubsband fixed it this time around but have been where you are & it sucks. I hope you treated yourself to something scrumptious tonight to help deaden the pain?!

    I dislike Mondays & hoping tomorrow is much kinder to you Renae. xx deb

  4. Aj aj aj, as we say over here.....I hope you will be able to save your pictures, dear.

    Yes, it is home. I've been trying on a wider lense and am not that much friend to it yet, rather sensitive to sunlight.

    Take care!


  5. Gosh, I am sorry, Renae! We are so reliant on our computers that it can really be a trial when these tech trials come. xo

  6. Hi Renae
    Wow - that is so scary when that happens. It seems that our whole life is on the computer now! My computer went blank on the weekend. It was like my whole life flashed before me. Luckily my computer tech took out the battery and reinstalled it, and miraculously it restarted.
    Good luck to you!!

  7. Bless your heart! My computer is just back up after being down for 3 days. I thought I was going to die. It is really awful when that happens. So many things are just on hold. good luck!

  8. sorry sweet friend.. i know how frustrating this can be...big hugs to you and a prayer that it is all repaired soon... missing you ... xo pam

  9. Oh, I hope that this has all ended well. I hate computer issues!


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