Down on the Bayou!

I took a little road trip this past week and drove to New Orleans to visit my very dear friend Marie. She and her husband and family are survivors along with so many others of "Katrina".  Being in the city brought back many great memories of a city rich in varied cultures and community.  

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While there, the "lagniappe" for me was meeting and visiting with Julie Neill,
 the Bayou Contessa,  a fabulous artist and designer of chandeliers, AND Valorie Hart  the  Visual Vamp who can be found most days at Perch an absolutely fabulous eclectic store of home and design goodies.

"Lagniappe" - a word that entered English from Louisiana French meaning "a little something extra."

Here I am on the left with Julie in the middle and Marie. These two ladies are real southern girls!  

And the very gracious Miz V! She is a New York gal who met her husband at a tango workshop and decided to make New Orleans their home.  I am so glad she did, her creativity and design savvy certainly fit the area!

Who knew that starting a blog last fall would bring me into a new world of friendship, learning, and sharing with other creative people?  

More to come on my little road stop, Fairhope, Alabama!


  1. How fun, Renae! I am glad you got to meet these ladies and had such a great time. XO

  2. * "DITTO" from me, Renae!!! Sounds like SUCH FUN!!! Warmly, Linda in AZ *

  3. I agree with you. Blogging has brought me together with people I never knew before. It has been an insightful and personal journey.

    You look like you are making wonderful memories in your journey.

  4. I'm so glad you got to spend time with these Southern ladies. I had such a wonderful visit with Julie and Valorie. It sounds like you had a memorable trip.


  5. It was great having you here!
    Come back soon!
    I added this post as the read-of-the-day on the Perch blog!
    xo xo

  6. Renae, What a shot in the arm your visit was!! I was great OVER THE FENCE friends with Julie, But spending more time with her, Isabel, Flander and you, (my very favorite friend and personal trainer) really cemented our friendship!! Then, of course, we connected with the Vamp, and Flander is excited about the possibility of Tango lessons!!! Come again soon, my friend, and let's see what else we can discover!!! Love, Marie
    PS I loved the crab at Lillette

  7. How fun is that! (are you changing your header all the time like I do?) It looks great!

  8. I've yet to have a bloggy meeting - but I'm certainly not opposed! So happy to hear you had so much fun, and in New Orleans, none-the-less! I've never been, but want to go soon. Maybe next Feb. I'll give you a shout when I'm planning - maybe you can give me some ideas of good places to shop! :)

  9. Make new friends! What fun. Looks like a great road.
    I bet you came back recharged.

  10. Looks like you had a FAB time!!!


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